Bound to Azerbaijan



Conventional signs :

The Republic is located at the latitude of 39° 24′, 41° 54′ North and at the
longitude of 44° 46′, 50° 45′ East.

Length of borders of the Republic is 2849km.

Coastal line length                                            825 km
Territory middle height above sea level    657 m
Biggest height above sea level           4466 m
Smallest height above sea level            -27,0 m
NameLength, (km)Where it flows

Kur      1515to Caspian Sea
Araz      1072to Kur
Ganikh      413Mingechevir Reservoir
Gabirry      389Mingechevir Reservoir
Samur      216to Caspian Sea
Pirsaat      202stagnant
Sumgayit      198to Caspian Sea
NameArea, (

Sarisu      67,5
Jandargol (8.0)      12,5
Boyuk Shor (3.2)      9,2
Masazirgol (3.5)      8,9
Hajigabul      8,4
Ajinohur      7,8
Boyuk Alagol (8.0)      5,2
Goygol (100)      0,34

Note: Maximum depth is shown in bracket (m)

Conventional signs :
 Fourth era sediments Neogene sediments Palaeogene sediments 
 Lime sediments  Jura sediments Trias sediments 
 Perm sediments Bituminous coal sediments  Devon sediments  Lower Paleozoic sediments
  Intrusive rocks  Effusive rocks  
  Mud volcanoes  Mud volcanoes breccias  Volcano eruption centers  Tectonic cracks
Conventional signs :
Oil and natural gas
Natural gas
Iron ore
Chromite ore
Molybdenum ore
Copper ore
Complex ore
Mercuric ore
Sulphury pyrites
White salt
Brackish salt
Silica sand
Cement raw material
Mineral dyes
Mineral water sources
Conventional signs :
 Peat mountain-meadow Mountain-meadow Mountain-meadow steppe Brown mountain-forest
 Dark brown mountain  Dark brown meadow  Mountain yellow Mountain black
 Dark and simple grey-dark brown Light grey-dark brown Grey-dark brown semi-saline and saline Grey saline
  Light grey Grey-meadow  Marsh-meadow and dark-marsh Saline-lands
 Carbonate dry wash-meadow Sandy 
Conventional signs :
   middle annual isotherms   in July
   absolute maximum   In January
   absolute minimum 
Conventional signs :
 Red deer   Caucasian moufflon  Jackal  Marsh beaver
 Dappled deer  Wild hyena  Fox  Suleysin
 Gazelle  Brown bear  Rock squirrel  Wild mice
 Dagestan tur  Leopard  Forest squirrel  Roe
  Lynx  Caspian seal  Chamois   Wild cat
 Rabbit  Pasan  Raccoon   Iranian grey squirrel
 Wild pig  Wolf  Indian porcupine Bat colonies
Natural habitats of different sorts of mice
 Iranian sand mouse  Red-tail sand mouse  Asia Minor sand mouse Vinogradov sand mouse
 Sturgeon  Kutum  Bream  Caspian salmon
 Fario  Sazan  Herring  Kulma
 Zander  Kheshem  Shamayi  Sprat
 Pelican  Black stork  Golden goose  Swan
 Geese  Red-chest goose  Ducks  Partridge and natural habitats
 Bearded eagle  Bustard  Little bustard  Sultan hen
 Bald-coot  Sandpiper  Silver gull  Caucasian tetra
 Caucasian ular  Caucasian ular  Pheasant and natural habitats  Turaj and natural habitats
 Black-head gull  Quail  Pigeons  
 Water snake  Caucasian viper   Mediterranean turtle  Caucasian agama
 Disaster agama  Stripy lizard  
 Lake frog  
In subniveal, niveal landscapes of high mountains – Dagestan tur, chamois, pasan, Caucasian moufflon, lynx, leopard, rock lizards, wild viper, Caspian ular, Caucasian ular, bearded eagle and etc.
In meadow landscapes of high mountains (subalp and alp) – Caucasian moufflon, pasan, chamois, Dagestan tur, brown bear, wolf, leopard, fox, Asia Minor viper, rock lizards, Caucasian tetra, pigeons and etc.
In forest and meadow-bush landscapes, created after forest, of middle mountains – red deer, roe, pasan, chamois, wild pig, raccoon, brown bear, lynx, leopard, wild cat, rock squirrel, forest squirrel, Iranian grey squirrel, suleysin, Indian porcupine, Rostombeyov lizard, stripy lizard, green-belly lizard, marsh turtle, lake frog, Caucasian tetra, pheasant, black stork, pigeons, fario and etc.
In mountainous xerophyte landscapes of middle mountains – Caucasian moufflon, leopard, wild pig, rabbit, jackal, wolf, fox, rock squirrel, wild mice, Caucasian agama, water snake, ordinary water snake, disaster agama, red-belly telkhe, pigeons, partridge, quail and etc.
In forest landscapes of low mountains and submountain areas – roe, dappled deer, brown bear, rock squirrel, raccoon, stripy lizard, snake-headed lizard, frogs, grass-snake, scraggy grass-snake, pheasant, pigeons and etc.
In xerophyte, dry-lake and forest-bush landscapes of low and middle mountains – rabbit, fox, jackal, Iranian sand mouse, stripy lizard, Caucasian agama, Caucasian viper, turaj, partridge, pheasant, golden mabuya, Asian bare-eyed and etc.
In steppe landscapes of low mountains – brown bear, stripy hyena, wolf, wild pig, Indian porcupine, rabbit, fox, wild cat, wild mice, Iranian sand mouse, red-tail sand mouse, Caucasian viper, Mediterranean turtle, snake-headed lizard, grass-snake, Caucasian telkhe, red-belly telkhe, partridge, turaj, little bustard, bustard and etc.
In semi-desert landscapes of low mountains – gazelle, wild pig, wolf, fox, jackal, rabbit, red-tail sand mouse, wild mice, Caucasian viper, Caucasian kele, Mediterranean turtle, bustard, little bustard, geese, ducks, sultan hen, sandpiper, sazan, shamayi, bream, kulma, zander and etc.
In meadow-forest (tugai), forest landscapes of plains and lowlands – brown bear, wild pig, wolf, jackal, fox, raccoon, rock squirrel, marsh beaver, suleysin, red-tail sand mouse, Caucasian viper, Mediterranean turtle, stripy lizard, snake-headed lizard, lake frog, green grass frog, many sorts of telkhe, geese, ducks, little bustard, bustard, black stork, pheasant, fario and etc.
In dry-steppe landscapes of plains – gazelle, wild pig, marsh beaver, wild mice, Asia Minor sand mouse, red-tail sand mouse, Iranian sand mouse, Caucasian viper, Caspian gecko, wormwood round-headed lizard, Mediterranean turtle, snake-headed lizard, ordinary water snake, partridge, turaj, pheasant, black stork, little bustard, geese, ducks and etc.
In semi-desert landscapes of lowlands and plains – gazelle, wolf, jackal, rabbit, wild pig, wild cat, marsh beaver, wild mice, Asia Minor sand mouse, Caucasian agama, Caucasian viper, Mediterranean turtle, lake frog, snake-headed lizard, stripy lizard, water snake, red-belly telkhe, pheasant, bald-coot, sultan hen, little bustard, turaj, golden goose, swan, sandpiper, pelican, ducks, bustard, pigeons, sturgeons, kutum, kheshem, kulma, sazan, herring, shamayi, zander and etc.
# Name Foundation Date Area ( Reserved (animals, birds, reptiles, fish and plants)
I Zagatala 1929 238 Dagestan tur, red deer, roe, chamois, Caucasian ular, Caucasian tetra, Caucasian khachlija, bearded eagle, Caucasian rhododendron and etc.
II Ilisu 1987 174 Dagestan tur, chamois, roe, brown bear, Caucasian ular, Caucasian tetra, Eastern oak, chestnut, lime and etc.
III Garayazi 1978 97 Black stork, bream, zander, fario, willow, poplar, gizilagaj and etc.
lV Ismayilli 1981 167 Red deer, roe, chamois, brown bear, oak, hornbeam and etc.
V Pirgulu 1968 43 Brown bear, lynx, wild muymul, hornbeam, Eastern oak and etc.
VI Altiagaj 1990 44 Roe, brown bear, lynx, squirrel, Mediterranean turtle, wild viper, 90% broad-leaved oak, beech, hornbeam and etc.
VII Turyanchay 1958 225 Brown bear, lynx, black griffin, ash-tree, pistachio, juniper, thin groves and etc.
VIII Goygol 1965 75 Brown bear, red deer, roe, Caspian ular, fario, Eldar pine and etc.
IX Garagol 1987 2 fario and etc.
X Shirvan 1969 62 Gazelle, little bustard, coarse-haired frankeniya, ephemeral wormwood, love bushes and etc.
XI Gizilagaj 1929 884 Swan, golden goose, sultan hen, hybrid poplar, Gorsheym dandelion and etc.
XII Besitchay 1974 1 Unique Eastern plane grove, Georgian oak, hornbeam, Juniper bushes and etc.
XIII Hirkan 1936 29 Dappled deer, leopard, wild hyena, grass frog, Caucasian shield-faced snake, irontree, chestnut-leaved oak, Caucasian veli and etc.
XIV Shahbuz 2003 31 Brown bear, wormwood round-headed lizard, Asia Minor viper, oak-wood and etc.
Conventional signs :
Capital city Capital of autonomous republic Large cities Region centres
Other residential settlements   
Railways Motorways Sea-port and shelters Pipe-line
Gas pipeline Electric main Irrigated lands Springs of mineral water
Forest Sands Swamps Salt-marsh
Non-ferrous metallurgy Ferrous metallurgy Mining industry Machine-building
Oil Petrochemical Gas Electric power
Light industry Food industry Mineral water Wine-making
Fishery Silk worm breeding Canned fruits Canned vegetables
Olive-growing Grain-growing Cotton-growing Wine-growing
Tobacco-growing Diversified agriculture Subtropical fruits Vegetable-growing
Fruit-growing Cattle breeding Poultry farming Health resort
Ferrous metallurgy Non-ferrous metallurgy Machine-building Electrotechnics
Oil refinement Chemicals Synthetic and rabber products Timber and woodworking
Construction materials Light industry Cotton-cleaning Silk
Foods Wine-making Tinned fruits and vegetables Tea
Tobacco Fish Mineral water Heat electric power station
Hydro-electric power station Grain Pomegranate Grape
Laurel Olive Rice Rose
Sugar-beet Tobacco Tea Cotton
Henna Silk-worm breeding Saffron Ethereal oil corps
Potato Fruit-growing Sturgeon Fine-mesh
Conventional signs :
Cities Rivers Railroads Roads
Tourist routes
Baku and its vicinities Khizi-Guba-Khachmaz Masalli-Lyankaran-Astara Shamakhi-Sheki-Balaken
Mingyachevir-Gyanja-Gazakh Nakhchivan Garabakh 
Recreation, sports and activities
Mountain recreation zonesS ea recreation zones Beaches Olympic complexes
Mountaineering, rock and ice-climbing Hiking Horseback riding Hunting
Nature objects
Natural fire emerging Mud volcanoes Waterfalls Tourism information centres
Bear Bezoar goat Leopard Wild boar
Flamingo Caucasian wild goat Camel Sturgeon
Caspian seal   
National parks and reserves
Hirkan Shirvan Ag-gel Altiagaj
Gobustan Gizil agaj Pirgulu Ismailli
Ilisu Zagatala Garayazi Gey-gel
Gara gel Basit chai Shahbuz Turyan chai
Protected areas
Absheron Gil adasi Kichik Gizil agaj Zuvand
Gusar Ismayilli Gabala Sheki
Barda Ag-gel Kor chai Shamkir
Garayazi-Agstafa Gizilcha Lachin Dashalti
Gubadli Arazboyu  
Archaeological and historical sites
Stone ages Stone petroglyphs Ancient stone figures Underwater archaeology
Ancient and middle ages Old city ruins Fortress and castles 
Crafts and folk arts
Pottery Metalwork Khasir / reed mat / making Carpet making
Folk music Folk dancing groups Wine making Silk handicraft wares
Conventional signs:
   1President Office   1National Drama Theatre   1State Exhibition Hall
   2CABINET OF MINISTERS   2Russian Drama Theatre   2Exhibition Gallery
   3Milli Majlis- Parliament   3Musical Comedy Theatre   3Art Gallery
   4Government House   4Young Spectators Theatre   4Art – Exhibition hall
   5City Hall   5Puppet Theatre   5Miniature Center
   6The Ministry of Foreign Affairs   6Youth Theatre   6Maiden’s Tower
   7Ministry of Youth, Sport   7Yugh Theatre   7Gala
   8Head Department of Tourism   8Ibrus Theatre   8Absheron
   HOTELS   9Mugham Theatre   9Art Salon
   1Hyatt Regency  10Ibrus Theatre   MOSQUES
   2Park Hyatt   CINEMAS   1Teze Pir
   3Grand Hotel Europe   1NIZAMI   2Ajdarbey
   4Radisson Sas Plaza   2AZERBAIJAN   3Haji Sultan Ali
   5Meridian   CONCERT HALLS   4Shehidlik
   6Icheri Sheher   1Heydar Aliyev Palace   CHURCHES
   7Old City Inn   2Opera and Ballet Theatre   1Archangel Michael’s Church
   8Irshad   3Azerbaijan Philharmonic   2Nativity God Holy Church
   9Azcot   4Chamber and Organ Music Hall   3Church of the Holy
  10City Mansion   5Hall of Musical Academy   SYNAGOGUES
  11Novu Dom   6Theatre of Song   1Ashkenazi Jewish Synagogue
  12Elite   7Opera Studio   2Sephardi Jewish Synagogue
  13Lodge   JAZZ   SPORTS
  14Nur   1“Karvan” Jazz Club   1Sport and Concert Complex
  15Republic   2Baku Jazz Center   2Olympic Sport Complex
  16Old Intourist   MUSEUMS   3Respublika stadionu
  17Azerbaijan   1History Museum   4Palace of Sports and Games
  18Absheron   2Fine Arts Museum   5Spartak stadium
  19Caspian Guest House   3Museum Center   6Velotrek
  20Abu Arena   3Istiglal Museum   7“Ganjlik” Sport Complex
  21Diplomat   3Religion History Museum   8Shafa
  22Delfin   3Carpet Museum   9Ministry of Defense Sport Club
  23Crescent Beach Hotel   3Theatre Museum  10Baku Entertainment Center
  24Khazar Golden Beach   4Shirvanshahs’ Palace  11Aqua Park
  25Oazis   5Institute of Manuscripts  11Aqua Park*
  HOSPITALS   5Huseyn Javid Museum  12“Gunay” Horse Sport Club
   1Central Hospital   6Samad Vurgun Museum  13Mashtaga Olympic Complex
   2Leila Shikhlinskaya Clinics   7Literature Museum   TRADE CENTERS
   3Oil Prospectors Hospital   8Musical Culture Museum   1Ramstore 1
   4Ambulance Hospital   9Bul-bul Museum   2“ELITE”
   5Hospital №1  10M.S.Ordubadi Museum   3Khagani
   6Traumatology Hospital  11A.Azimzade Museum   4Metrocity
   7Urology Hospital  12N.Narimanov Museum   5Baku Trade House
   8Central Pool Hospital  13Archeology Museum   6Central Department Store
   9Hospital №5  14C.Mammadguluzade Museum   OTHERS
  10Republican Hospital  15Uzeyir Hajibeyov Museum   Zoo
  11Institute of Clinical Medicine  16Rostropoviches Museum   Circus
  12Railway Hospital  17Miniatures Books Museum   Botanical Garden
   DİSCO  18Education Museum   Mardakan Arboretum*
   1“1033” Night Club  19Natural History Museum   Airport Baku
   2Le Chevalier  20Jafar Jabbarly Museum   Railway Station
   3Black Jack  21A. Shaig Museum   Long-distance bus station
   4Metkarting  22Geology Museum   Sea Port
   5Neon  23Medicine Museum   Ferry Terminal
   Pedestrian area  24Agriculture Museum   Central Post Office
   Shopping area  25Gobustan Preserve   Metro station
   Old city  Railroads   Petrol station
   Tourism Information Center        
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