A conference of NGOs on the topic “Let’s unite efforts for the sake of Azerbaijan without mines” was held at the Agency for State Assistance to Non-Governmental Organizations in connection with the demining of territories liberated from occupation.
The conference was attended by Azer Allahverenov, the member of the Supervisory Board of the Agency, NGOs’ and media representatives.
The Member of the Supervisory Board of the Agency Azer Allahverov, who started the conference with his opening speech, stated that Azerbaijan addressed repeated statements and appeals to the world community due to the fact that anti-tank and anti-personnel mines in the liberated territories, buried by Armenia during their occupation, pose a serious danger to life and people’s health, on the need to end this situation. A. Allahverenov noted that the existing mine problem in the liberated territories not only slows down the return of internally displaced persons to their native lands, but also cause the death or various degrees of life-long disability of many people. In addition, it was stated that the Great Return of Internally Displaced Persons to their native lands is an important component of the program “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development”, its important component. The task of continuous and safe resettlement of former internally displaced persons on the territory of Azerbaijan affected by the conflict is directly consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals and is one of the main directions of state policy in this area.
Heads of non-governmental organizations Umud Mirzayev, Hafiz Safikhanov, Anar Khalilov, Ramil Iskenderli, Khalid Kazymov, Khatira Valiyeva, Asef Guliyev, Jasaret Huseynzade, Ahmed Abbasbeyli, Faig Ismayilov, Mehriban Abdullayeva, Rafail Bedjanov, Akram Beydemirli, Vugar Ahmedov and Rey Kerimoglu spoke at the conference stated that at present, in the liberated territories, along with construction and restoration work, the process of demining the territories will continue. Only mines are an obstacle to the accelerated construction work, as well as the laying of communications. Unfortunately, in 30 years the enemy has turned the mentioned territories into a graveyard of mines and unexploded ordnance. It is no secret that today, in many regions of the world, mines and the dangerous legacies of wars continue to be the most serious danger and one of the obstacles to the peaceful life of people and their health, development and progress. Naturally, such a problem that exists on a global scale determines the unification of efforts precisely at the global level. We, non-governmental organizations operating in Azerbaijan, demand an investigation by international institutions of war crimes committed by Armenia, a legal and political assessment of the mining of territories and the failure to present mine maps, as well as the punishment of Armenia for its crimes against humanity.
After the speeches, the conference continued in the form of a mutual discussion.
At the end of the Conference, a Statement was made on behalf of non-governmental organizations.